Individuals often get scared when they hear about a root canal treatment. What makes this procedure seem so frightening to most people? Endodontic treatment is a procedure performed on the root of one’s tooth. It requires the use of anesthesia. This process is done on the tooth root that progresses downwards to the center of the tooth. It supports the tooth and holds it down firmly. The root canal spans from the crown of the tooth to the root. Then, what does root canal therapy do? This method is employed when the dental pulp (found inside the root canal) is infected. Emergency Dentists in St. Petersburg advise people to report cases of root pulp infections immediately. It is to avoid the spread of bacterial infections that can lead to the death of the tooth and eventually damages the tooth structure.
Root Canal treatment treats bacterial infections that occur at the tooth pulp. Most people have the impression that it is a painful process. However, this perception is wrong. The pain that people experience comes from root canal infection. Root canal issues are detected by X-rays. An Endodontist is a medical professional skilled in performing invasive surgeries to remove infections in the root pulp. Endodontists in St. Petersburg ensure that the root canal is closed up with a dental filling or crown after extracting the bacteria. The tooth can survive for up to 10 years after the endodontic treatment. This article sheds light on the causes, symptoms, and procedures of endodontic remedies. You can visit dentists near you if you start noticing signs of a root canal infection. What are the symptoms? What does your dentist do to aid your healing process? These questions are answered in this article. Read on.
Dr. Weatherwax is an experienced endodontist who educates people on the various factors that can lead to infection of the dental pulp (found in the root canal). Some of the causes of root canal disease include:
Some of the symptoms that arise from these occurrences include;
It is vital to receive endodontic treatment near you if you detect that your root pulp has a bacterial infection. It can help save your tooth and preserve your smile.
Anesthesia is administered during surgery. The therapy proceeds step by step until it comes to an end.
The endodontist has the task of clearing away all dead tissues in the tooth root. A small hole is made on the tooth surface to gain access to the dental pulp. The dentist discards everything in the root canal with the aid of small files.
The dental expert has to fill the tooth with a substance that looks like rubber. Dentists in St. Petersburg, FL make sure to seal the root canal with cement adhesive material. However, the dental root must be restructured and disinfected before filling occurs. The removal of the dental pulp alleviates the pain felt by the individual. The swollen tissues around the tooth should heal naturally.
An endodontist in St. Petersburg recommends that you get a crown or filling treatment later on. It is because the tooth without a dental pulp starts becoming loose, brittle, and loses its anchorage. The tooth gets blood supply from the ligament connecting it to the bone and causes the tooth to wear out over time. You can contact dentists around you to get your endodontic therapy.