Tooth Extractions for Wisdom Teeth: What You Need to Know Before and After the Procedure
Jun 14, 2023
Wisdom tooth extractions are a common procedure in which the third molars in the back of the mouth are removed. Here are several things you need to know before and after having your wisdom teeth extracted.
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth, also termed as third molars, are the last teeth to develop in the human mouth. They typically appear in late adolescence or early adolescence, but some people never develop them.
Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Extracted?
Wisdom teeth are frequently extracted for a variety of reasons, including:
- Impaction: Wisdom teeth can become impacted, which means they become trapped beneath the gums and cannot emerge normally.
- Wisdom teeth can cause overcrowding in the mouth, leading to tooth misalignment and bite problems.
- Wisdom teeth can be more difficult to clean, making them more prone to decay and gum disease.
- Cysts or tumours can form around impacted wisdom teeth in rare cases, causing damage to the jawbone and adjacent teeth.
When Should One Have Their Wisdom Teeth Extracted?
The timing of wisdom tooth extraction varies according to individual circumstances, but your dentist at Dental Arts Ninth St may follow some general guidelines:
- Age: Wisdom teeth extraction is often recommended in the late teens or early twenties before the roots fully develop and the bone surrounding the teeth hardens.
- Symptoms: Regardless of age, if a patient experiences pain, infection, or other symptoms related to their wisdom teeth, they may need to be extracted.
- Tooth position: The position and angle of the wisdom teeth can influence whether or not they should be extracted.
- Overall oral health: If a patient has a history of dental problems or is predisposed to gum disease or tooth decay, their dentist may advise them to have their wisdom teeth extracted to avoid future complications.
What Happens During A Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
During a wisdom teeth extraction, the Dentist In St Petersburg will usually do the following:
- Anesthesia: A local anesthetic will be used to numb the area around the tooth, as well as an oral sedative or nitrous oxide to help the patient relax during the procedure.
- Tooth extraction: The dentist will use specialized instruments to loosen your tooth from the surrounding bone and gum tissue before gently removing it.
- Closure: To promote healing, your dentist near you may sometimes need to stitch the wound closed.
- Instructions for post-operative care: you will be given specific instructions on how to care for the extraction site, such as when to change the gauze, where to get the best dental appliance near you and when to take pain medication.
What Can One Expect After a Wisdom Teeth Extraction Near You?
The following are some of the common things that patients can expect during their recovery:
- Pain and swelling: The patient may experience some pain and swelling at the extraction site for a few days after the procedure.
- Bleeding is normal after the procedure, and the patient may need to change gauze pads every day or two for the first day or two.
- Soft diet: For the first few days after the procedure, the patient should eat only soft, cool foods, gradually adding firmer foods as the site heals.
- Oral hygiene: For the first 24 hours following the procedure, the patient should avoid brushing or flossing near the extraction site but continue brushing and flossing the other teeth normally.
- Follow-up appointment: A few days after the procedure, the patient will typically have a follow-up appointment with the dentist or oral surgeon to ensure the extraction site is healing properly.
What Are The Risks Associated With Wisdom Teeth Extractions?
Like any surgical procedure, getting a wisdom tooth extraction in St Petersburg carries some risks. They include:
- The bone and nerves are exposed when the blood clot which forms in the extraction site is dislodged or dissolves. This can be extremely painful and delay healing.
- Infection: If bacteria enter the wound, the extraction site can become infected. Fever, swelling, and increased pain are all symptoms of illness.
- Nerve damage: During the procedure, the nerves that supply sensation to the tongue, lips, and cheeks may be damaged, resulting in temporary or permanent numbness or tingling.
- Sinus issues: When upper wisdom teeth are extracted, communication between your mouth and the sinus sometimes results in sinus issues.